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Genre: eLearning
Learn how to created automated UI tests using Cypress with Behaviour Driven Development using Cucumber BDD
What you’ll learn
Learn how to build advanced automation tests for any Web Application using Cypress & Cucumber BDD.
Rapidly learn the importance of ‘Behavior Driven Development’ using Cucumber & Gherkin.
Learn how to combine two in demand technologies; Cypress & Cucumber BDD (Latest Versions).
Gain in depth knowledge of Cucumber’s Core Components; Scenario Outlines, Background Keyword, Tags and more.
Know why and when to use specific Gherkin Keywords such as ‘Feature’, ‘Given’, ‘When’, ‘And’, ‘Then’ and more!
Learn how to generate a Wide Range of Reports.
Learn Principles such as DRY (Don’t Repeat yourself) and more.
Learn Design Patterns such as POM (Page Object Modelling) & Custom Commands.
Leverage Jenkins (CI), easily execute Test Scenario’s based on Tags and Custom Scripts.
Leverage Jenkins to develop Sophisticated Reports and handle a multitude of run time options (Browser Selection etc).
This course uses the latest versions of Cypress (v11+) & Cucumber BDD [October 2022]
Why Cypress?
Cypress is a JavaScript End to End Testing Framework that is very popular and is rapidly growing in popularity due to its great features and ease of use.
Why Cucumber BDD?
Cucumber BDD (Behaviour-driven development) much like ‘Cypress’ is a technology which is growing in popularity by the day and is used by organisations across the globe. Cucumber BDD captures test requirements in a simplistic manner, making it easy not only for ‘Non technical parties/people’ to understand scenario’s which have been automated, but also assists the process of building effective automation frameworks and tests.
Why this course?
This course is designed to be quick, effective, efficient and easy to follow. I have been teaching for several years on Udemy with over 6 highly successful courses to date. I have refined this course using proven teaching techniques. This course is carefully structured from start to finish and I provide downloadable code examples after each coding lecture.
What does this course cover?
- You will learn how to rapidly create simplistic and sophisticated Automated UI Tests using Cypress.
- Learn the importance of Cucumber BDD (Behaviour-driven development).
- Learn how to effectively and effortlessly capture test (Scenario) requirements using Cucumber BDD.
- Gain knowledge of ‘Gherkin’, Cucumber’s language parser.
- Know why and when to use specific Gherkin Keywords such as ‘Feature’, ‘Given’, ‘When’, ‘And’, ‘Then’ and more!
- Learn the differences between ‘Scenario’s’ & ‘Scenario Outlines’.
- Learn how to simplify tests using specific Cucumber BDD Features such as the ‘Background’ keyword.
- Gain the knowledge to insert and modify test data directly within Feature File(s).
- Learn how to correctly map Test Requirements to actions using Cucumber Step Definitions and Cypress.
- Become familiar with ‘Tags’ and learn how we can target and execute specific tests (Scenario’s).
- Understand the importance of Design Patterns such as Page Object Modelling (POM).
- Learn best practises such as DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself).
- Learn how to create Sophisticated Reports (HTML Reports, JSON Reports, Multi Reports) and more!
- Learn how to leverage ‘Hooks’ and ‘Custom Commands’.
- Learn Continuous Integration using Jenkins and explain why this is very useful.
- Become familiar with important add-ons for Jenkins.
- Ability to create visually appealing reports within Jenkins and attach images to those reports.
- Learn how to handle Extensible Choice Parameters (Selection Dropdown lists) via Jenkins.
- And much more!
Who this course is for:
- Students completely new to Automation Testing & Cucumber BDD (Behavior-driven Development)
- Manual testers looking to enter the automation testing space.
- Anyone interested in automation testing and wanting to learn two upcoming technologies ‘Cypress’ & ‘Cucumber BDD’
- Automation Testers wanting to build tests from scratch using ‘Cypress’ & ‘Cucumber BDD’.
- Automation Testers familiar with Cypress wanting to combine ‘Cucumber BDD’ into their framework(s).
- Front end developers interested in automation testing using a language they will be familiar with.
- Intermediate and advanced students wanting to learn new concepts and techniques.

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