Rockstar WLAN Surveys | WiFiTraining

Rockstar WLAN Surveys | WiFiTraining
English | Size: 1.11 GB
Genre: eLearning

Ready to plan and design Enterprise wireless networks like a ******** LEGEND hero? This original course from WiFi Training was designed to help students learn how to plan and survey next-generation wireless networks for a variety of different customer types, design types, and service requirements.

After learning the fundamentals of the WLAN Surveys, Sr. Instructor Chris Avants @RockstarWiFi takes students through several case-study Enterprise Design scenarios and details the steps required to meet the customer requirements and complete the project like a Rockstar!

High-Level Outline

Rockstar WLAN Surveys

Course Introduction

WiFi Survey Basics
WiFi Design Goals
Questionnaires and Templates
Building your Survey Kit
Regulatory Compliance
Quick RF Analysis / Spot Checks
Spectrum Review
Vendor Best Practices
Client Behavior
Thinking Outside the box about WLAN Design
Predictive Assessments
Pre-Deployment Site Surveys
Post Deployment Site Surveys
Gap Analysis Projects

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